Webinars & Best Practices
The perfect way to build your sales pipeline Part 2

Do you invest a lot of time, efforts and money into webinars, but feel the returns are very small?

Do your sales teams complain that the webinar leads are not very responsive?

First of all, let us tell you – you are not alone! Second, do not ever believe that there is one single formula for success here (or anywhere else, in general!). Webinars can feel interesting and dull at the same time if you have not cracked how to engage your audience in a meaningful way. The trick particularly is to understand the nature of these audiences and craft your communication in a way that evokes their response in the long run. Having done more than 200 digital engagements over the last two years, we have put together our understanding in the form of this masterclass. And if there is a single thing we have learned from this, it is that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this challenge.

In this masterclass, we will share with you our experiences in executing webinars and panel discussions online and what different forms of interaction are effective with the attendees. If you are responsible for lead generation and engagement and if you work closely with your sales teams and are trying to gain better engagement with your leads, then this masterclass is for you.

Attend this masterclass to:

  1. Learn different techniques of engagement with digital demand gen leads
  2. Learn the DOs and DON’Ts of leads engagement on digital campaigns
  3. Learn how to maximize your RoI through effective digital interaction with your audiences



Chandan Nallal

Business Partner Manager, we.CONECT

Chandan Nallal brings with him more than 15 years of professional experience in Enterprise/B2B Sales and Account Management and currently heads our Partner Management responsibilities for all Digital Business Hubs. Chandan is responsible for working closely with our business partners on their project needs and also internally coordinate and collaborate with the project team to ensure smooth delivery of our services.

For any questions and/or clarifications about our offerings, you can reach us via

Andreas Meiser

Andreas Meiser

Teamlead Digital Business Hub, we.CONECT

As the Teamlead of the Digital Business Hub at we.CONECT, Andreas Meiser is the external central point of contact for booked webinars with Partners as well as the internal communication centre. Andreas is responsible for monitoring the campaign process and all marketing activities and he works closely with our customers to ensure their projects see a successful closure.

About us:

Digital Business Hub is the ever-growing source of knowledge and expertise regarding highly relevant topics such as information technology, software development and IoT. All of which are extremely diverse and do not only appeal to IT decision makers interested in the rise of digital ecosystems and businesses.

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